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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Integrating Strategy, Management and Change (Strategy Development) Research Paper
Incorporating Strategy, Management and Change (Strategy Development) - Research Paper Example Scholastic scientists have called attention to noteworthiness of execution estimation regarding both pragmatic and hypothetical point of view. The idea of execution estimation is multidimensional in light of the fact that the model fuses bookkeeping writing as well as other administration fields like activity and creation the board, promoting and vital administration too. Hierarchical hypothesis model assumed pivotal job in creating execution estimation models, for example, Key Performance Indicator, Balance Scorecard and Performance Prism. Issue with the writing audit of execution estimation is segregation on account of unique and divided discoveries of examination researchers. Specialists have attempted to make a connection between Organizational viability (OE) and execution estimation however shockingly just a couple of them have succeeded. Scholastic researchers have contended that authoritative adequacy assumes friendly job for structuring non budgetary components of execution e stimation apparatuses. In 2000, Flamholtz and Aksehirli proposed a connection between money related part of execution estimation and authoritative achievement model. They dissected both monetary and non money related components of adjusted scorecard so as to test the estimated relationship. They tried eight sets of organizations of different ventures and Average Return on Equity was utilized as a pointer of budgetary execution. They utilized Friedman two way change investigation and discovered factually huge connection between budgetary part of execution estimation and authoritative achievement model (Flamholtz, 2003, pp. 15-26). Two Theoretical Perspectives for Strategic Performance Measurement Multidimensionality of execution consistently makes fracture for conveying key execution estimation models. Multidimensionality of execution is exemplified because of inclusion of complex monetary and non budgetary components. There is a typical faith in the field of execution estimation tha t if the new models, for example, Balance scorecard or Performance crystal are actualized, there will be generally hierarchical execution improvement (Bourne et al., 1999, pp. 373-95). Lamentably the conviction is incompletely evident in light of the fact that effect of execution the executives is a lot of impacted by hierarchical goal. The examination will be deficient without referencing sway subsystems in execution estimation. Specialists have brought up that sending venture vital execution the board is unmistakably progressively viable in contrast with key execution estimation. In 2005, Neely has contended business pioneers need to embrace dynamic, adaptable and fit key execution estimation model so as to adapt to elements of outer condition (Neely, 2005, pp. 1264-77). In 1993, Platts has introduced a comprehensive methodology of key execution estimation as far as idealistic pattern of learning association. Exploration researchers (Slack,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The New Testament Gospels free essay sample
An examination of the similitudes and contrasts between the four succinct accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke. The accompanying paper breaks down opportunities for why these accounts, that are astoundingly and bafflingly similar in a plenty of ways, concede to such a significant number of things yet differ in different manners. The essayist inspects whether Matthew could have been the wellspring of Mark and Lukes accounts. The New Testament is one of the most huge bits of writing at any point composed. It is a gathering of the tale of and the exercises educated by the most outstanding strict figure ever: Jesus Christ. Albeit many use it for direction in their own lives and the establishment of their religions, few really set aside the effort to find out about its birthplace. When were they composed? Who were the essayists? What were the sources? Researchers and history specialists have discussed and examined these inquiries. The four most recognized books in the New Testament are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We will compose a custom article test on The New Testament Gospels or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It has frequently been accepted that these books were composed by four men named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, yet further research has confirmed this probably won't be the situation. Of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke share the most practically speaking and are subsequently are alluded to as the Synoptic Gospels. It is hazy why they are so surprisingly comparable, yet a couple of theories have been proposed to clarify why the three Gospels share such a great amount in like manner. One of the most major parts of every one of their Gospels is their obsession stories where inquisitive similitudes and contrasts have been noted.
Friday, August 7, 2020
The Facts on Alcohol Use Disorder
The Facts on Alcohol Use Disorder Addiction Alcohol Use Print The Facts on Alcohol Use Disorder By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Updated on December 01, 2019 Phil Ashley/ Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Alcohol abuse is the overuse or misuse of alcohol. It is defined separately from alcoholism. While they may exist together, alcohol abuse does not necessarily include some of the hallmark characteristics of alcoholism, which include an extremely strong craving for alcohol, tolerance, loss of control, or physical dependence. Defining Alcohol Abuse It is common for people to deny that they have an alcohol abuse problem. Furthermore, you may not recognize the signs of alcohol abuse in yourself or in someone else. DSM-5 Definition of Alcohol Use Disorder The 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which is produced by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) was most recently updated in May 2013. In this manual, which serves as the reference for the psychiatric and medical community, a new condition called alcohol use disorder was formally defined for the first time. Alcohol use disorder replaced the designations that had previously been separately defined as alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. Alcoholism remains a separate disorder, with its own criteria. The DSM-5 provides a list of 11 symptoms of alcohol use disorder. Alcohol use disorder is sub-classified into mild, moderate, and severe categories. Alcohol use disorder is considered mild if you exhibit two or three of the 11 symptoms, moderate if you display four or five symptoms, and severe if you display six or more of the symptoms on the list. Alcohol Use Disorder Diagnostic Criteria Symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder 1. You drink more alcohol than intended to or continuing to drink for a longer period of time than you had intended. 2. You decide or trying to cut down or control your alcohol use without success. You may return to drinking after a period of abstinence. 3. A significant amount of your time is spent in obtaining alcohol, drinking alcohol, or recovering from the effects of drinking, resulting in too much of your time devoted to alcohol. 4. You have a craving for alcohol, which you might also describe as a strong desire or urge to use alcohol. 5. Your recurrent alcohol use results in a failure to fulfill some of your major obligations to your family, at home, at your job, or at school. 6. You have problems with family, friends, or co-workers as a result of your alcohol use and you continue to use alcohol use despite these persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems. 7. You have reduced or given up some of your social, work, or recreational activities because of your alcohol use. This is often described as drink-seeking behavior and includes decisions such as only going to social events that will include drinking, or only hanging out with others who drink. You may do this to avoid stigma, escape judgment from others, save your money for alcohol, or because you prefer to spend your time drinking over participating in other activities. 8. You repeatedly use alcohol in situations that are dangerous, such as swimming, driving, or using specialized equipment. Using alcohol in situations that leave you vulnerable to attack by others also fits this criterion. 9. You continue to use alcohol despite negative emotional effects, such as depression, anxiety, or memory lapses that you believe to be caused, exacerbated, or related to your alcohol use. 10. You have developed or are developing alcohol tolerance, which means having to drink increasing amounts to achieve previous effects. Tolerance is defined by either of the following: a) A need for increased amounts of alcohol to achieve intoxication or desired effect, or b) diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of alcohol. Some people consider tolerance as a sign of maturity or being able to hold their alcohol. However, this is an erroneous conclusion, as tolerance is not a sign of healthy physical function. 11. If you experience either of the following, then you have problems with alcohol withdrawal: a) You have withdrawal syndrome, which includes physical symptoms, such as shaking, jitteriness, irritability, sweating, or perceptive disturbances (like hallucinations) after going a short period without drinking, or b) You may drink alcohol or use a substance such as a benzodiazepine to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms or to cure a hangover. Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcoholism Many effects of alcohol use disorder are also experienced by people who suffer from alcoholism, and there is a great deal of overlap between the conditions. It would not be accurate to say that one disorder is better or worse than the other, or that it is easier to recover from one or the other. What an Alcohol Use Disorder Diagnosis Means
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Bringing Big Organization Back Free Essay Example, 3000 words
Another factor that has contributed to reassessment of their businesses and corporate strategies is the rising awareness of the consumer about the environment and the intense green movement. The green movement has given precedence to corporate social responsibility which has become the buzzword in the business world. To address the environmental needs and to meet the restrictions placed by the International agencies, strategy managers and high level executives are incorporating various CSR initiatives. They opt to use PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal) model to incorporate these initiatives by identifying which areas will be impacted by various CSR initiatives. For example, recycling of paper will address the political aspect of PESTEL model as it is following the restrictions placed by the UN. With the help of this model, business-strategic managers can identify various CSR initiatives and adopt those addressing each aspect of the model at various strategic levels. 2.0 Different Strategic Levels Strategy is defined as â€Å"the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations†(Johnson and Scholes, 2006). We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Social Responsibility: Bringing Big Organization Back or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now From big to small organizations, strategy is important as it highlights the direction the business is trying to take, the scope of their business, expectation from their stakeholders, the utilization of their resources, and their advantages over competitors. In big organizations, strategy exists at several levels: corporate strategy, business unit strategy and functional unit strategy whereas in small organization, the levels are intermingled with each other. The corporate strategy is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the business (Mintzberg et al. , 2005). For example, Microsoft takes a strategic approach to accessibility in product planning, research and development, product development and testing. They are continuously working to make the computer easier to use and handle by building various accessibility features into Microsoft products. They have also ensured that Windows is the most used platform for assistive technology manufacturers. They have built strong collaborative relationships with key government agencies and organizations concerned with disabled people (Microsoft, 2009).
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Bridal Ballad By Edgar Allan Poe Essay - 2226 Words
Do we settle in life; do we choose to be happy with things we truly know will not make us happy? Do we just look for what will pacify or need and wants, or do we truly seek out happiness in life? What do we seek in life, happiness or a pacifier? Edgar Allan Poe s poem The Bridal Ballad explains the phenomenon of people’s ability to convince ourselves of a reality, which simply does not exist. Poe s own life experiences helped to build the foundation behind this poem, assisting with the breakdown of the poem the theme of the poem The Bridal Ballad, some of which are obvious and others not as much. Poe is known for his immaculate use of literary devices. Edgar Allan Poe was able to get his point across beautifully; he truly makes the point to make the reader question their happiness in life. Edgar Allan Poe had one of the most interesting lives; I have ever heard of, he is truly fascinating. According to Sova, (2012) Poe was the rock star of American Literature in the 1830-1840. While he struggled with critics during the early ninetieth century, he was rediscovered in the mid-twentieth century, said Sova. He was born on January 19th, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts said Sova. Sova also went on to say, Poe’s mother was Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe and his father was David Poe, Jr., with two siblings; Bagert, (2008) states that David Poe, Jr. abandoned the family while his mother was pregnant with Poe’s sister. Sova, records show his mother died in 1811 from tuberculosis,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Meco, Relations Between the Philippines and Taiwan Free Essays
It was established in 1975 and is organized as a non-profit and non-stock private corporation under Philippine law. B. About the Administration MECO promotes trade, investments, tourism, and labor, scientific and cultural cooperation with Taiwan. We will write a custom essay sample on Meco, Relations Between the Philippines and Taiwan or any similar topic only for you Order Now The MECO provides assistance to Filipinos in Taiwan and provides visas, legal and consular services. The MECO coordinates with the Philippine government agencies and the private sector to fulfill this mandate. C. The Functions of the Administration MECO has its head office in Makati City, Philippines, principal representative office in Taipei and extension offices in Taichung andKaohsiung. MECO’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are Chairman Tomas I. Alcantara and its Resident Representative and Managing Director in Taiwan is Ambassador Antonio I. Basilio. D. Roles and Responsibilties MECO’s main function is to serve as a liaison between the Filipinos and Taiwanese. They make sure that the relationship between Taiwan and the Philippines is in good standing at all times. MECO also solidifies the Philippine government’s commitment and advocacy to serve Filipinos living and working in foreign countries. II. MECO A. ) Location and People in Charge The people on top are Chairman Perez and Ambassador Basilio. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are Chairman Tomas I. Alcantara and its Resident Representative and Managing Director in Taiwan is Ambassador Antonio I. Basilio. – B. ) Why was it made? – It was established to continue relations with Taiwan after China was recognized as the legal representative of the Chinese people. This made Taiwan sort of a non Country. As long as it about economic relations its ok with China C. ) What is its primary goal? Primary Goal of Meco -is to promote economic relations like trade, investments, labor and tourismIII. Vision A. ) MECO’s Vision -to become the primary mechanism for promoting beneficial relations between the Philippines and Taiwan. B. ) Long Term Goals -to maximize the potential of our economic relations, because right now were the 5th largest trading partner B. ) Short term goals -Make meco an effective org so that it can deliver and be effective to its mandate, and to be able to perform its role in government, because the DFA doesn’t entirely do this with Taiwan. C. ) Overall goal -Exactly like the Long Term goal, to be an effective institution that serves its cause. IV. Mision A. ) Legal Services Consular services like issuing to Taiwanese visitors to the Philippines, issuing and renewing passports for Filipinos in Taiwan, Marriage certificates, Police Clearance, when Filipinos in Taiwan get into trouble MECO makes sure they get legal support. B. )Other Services -Consular If you’re a Taiwanese and you want to go to the Philippines, meco supplies you with a visa with approval from the dfa, also for Filipinos like passport renewal -Tourism Talk to airlines, travel agencies to encourage them to have more flights and to organize travel packages, approach market to directly advertise Trade and Investment Meco has an officer from the dti, meco supports his/her activities, supports trade and investments with Taiwan, and participates in trade exhibitions in Taiwan and the Philippines – Assitance to Nationals Filipinos in Taiwan who run afoul of the law or has cases against his or her employer, meco provides shelter and hires a lawyer for the oppressed – Info Center Mecos main goal is to generate positive news about the Philippines in Taiwan, releases regular press releases. How to cite Meco, Relations Between the Philippines and Taiwan, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Juveniles and Adult Incarceration free essay sample
A look at the complexities of juvenile sentencing. This is a persuasive research paper that suggests that juveniles should not be tried as adults. The author argues that adult sentencing for juveniles will fail to minimize the increasing number of juvenile criminals and may even inhibit rehabilitation. The author stresses the importance of dealing with these criminals according to their age and to approach the issues that cause them to become involved in crime instead of simply punishing them. As more and more adolescents are committing heinous crimes that were in the past restricted to adults, the society is demanding that these criminals be put behind bars and tried as adultsnot as juveniles as they were in the past. The argument is, if the adolescents commit adult crimes then they must be prepared to be punished like adults as well. This is raising cause for a debate that is not as simple as it seems. We will write a custom essay sample on Juveniles and Adult Incarceration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1996, for every 100,000 teenagers, 465 were arrested for violent crime, compared with 318 arrests per 100,000 adults. And the Justice Department reports that if current trends continue, the number of juveniles arrested for violent crimes will more than double by the year 2010. But the question is whether the threat of adult courts and adult jails will deter the would-be youth criminal. (Rambler, 1997).
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